Share Your Love To The World

Welcome To Love Children's Home In Yangon

We Care

Love Children’s Home provides the children with food, shelter, clothing, and medical care. The orphanage is committed to providing the children with the resources they need to thrive.

We Develop

The children are taught to be kind and compassionate, and they are encouraged to love others as God loves them. They believe that the children can use their faith to help others and to make the world a better place.

We Educate

The orphanage believes that education is the key to a better future for the children. The orphanage also provides the children with the resources they need to succeed in school, such as books, uniforms, and school supplies. 

We need : Share You Love with Us

      • Education Sponsorship
      • Daily Meals Sponsorship
      • Donations-in-cash
      • Donations-in-kind
Share your love and kind
Love Childrens Home aim to develop the spiritual, educational, social, physical, and emotional well-being of the children, and provide an inclusive home environment to enhance the integration of children with special needs.

Love Children’s Home believes that activities are an important part of a child’s development. They provide a variety of activities for the children to participate in, both indoors and outdoors. These activities help the children to learn and grow, and they also provide a sense of fun and normalcy in their lives.

Love Children’s Home is committed to providing children with a quality education. The orphanage partners with local schools to ensure that the children have access to a good education. The children are taught by qualified teachers who are passionate about education.

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Contact Us

Address : Aung Thapyay St, 52 Block, East Dagon , Yangon,

Phone : (+95) 9 42 42 27 081 , 09 42 11 99 117

Contact by mail :,


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